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juseatz on Instagram

For years, I have seen people served as a useful source of where to eat, drink or to enjoy times with friends. I finally decided it was about time I have something like that of my own and be intentional about it. I started "juseatz by Justin & Maya" with my best friend with a mission to give others a taste of my thoughts and experiences, and I have been at it since the end of 2021. What started as entertaining posts has evolved into a rich site filled with information about the places we have eaten, the price, and our takes on the food. I hold this near and dear to my heart. Take some time to explore the blog and find what sparks you to visit one of this restaurant.

I believe that being candid and authentic are key to thriving in today’s virtual world. 'juseatz by Justin & Maya' is a place where celebrating one’s taste and culture through food are at the core of its' mission. To see what I’ve been up to, browse the site! Feel free to reach out if you would like to collaborate on a project together. Read on and enjoy!

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