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Marketing Director @ Bryant's ISO 

Over my years at Bryant University, one of the most exciting time, but also was the most exhausting time was my Sophomore year, where I became the Marketing Director for Bryant University's International Student Organization (ISO). One might not taken the job of being in-charge of marketing for the 2nd biggest cultural-based organization as a priority, but that's not me. This position was very important to my personal growth and my soul. It helped me through COVID and gave me a platform for my activism.


My first act as the Marketing Director was to organized National Bail Fund donation for the Black Lives Matter movement. This was because what happened to George Floyd was right at the beginning of my run and I did not hesitate to propose the idea of doing a fundraise for the people who were attending Black Lives Matters protest. 

On top of the achievement listed above, I also had an event during the Fall 2020 semester, where I talked about Vietnamese street food culture. This was, at least to me personally, a phenomenon of an event at its' time. The reason for this was because this event happened smack in the middle of the global pandemic. ISO was struggling with events attendance and it was everyone's first time ever having to deal with hybrid events and students virtual engagement. We were lucky if there were 5-7 people attending the events in total. That's including virtual attendee. My event, however, had over 15 attendees in-person and online. I'd say I know the 'secret' reasons as to why that many people attended. But it's not a secret. It's simply doing everything in a timely manner and realizing that word-of-mouth is still the best marketing strategy that there is. Adjusting to that knowledge and successfully created an event was the first time that I've shown myself that I have the ability to do act accordingly to the situation.

But as much as I like to bask in that glory, I have to say that that year's ISO E-Board was a tough one and everyone worked hard to plow through it. The marketing materials you're looking at here are a culmination of 10s of different events that ISO organized each year. With each event, I'd have to work with different people to create visuals. This taught me how to be patient with people and how to accommodate to everyone need and I hope I was able to show that through the images on this page. 

Please scroll all the way to the end of the page to observe the gallery fully. If you’re interested in references or learning more about my background, feel free to contact me through the "CONTACT" page that can be access right on top of the website.

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